Dunk NBA Personalized Signature Update!

Cards from the NBA Rookie Photo Shoot have begun being added to collections. Please note, due to a technical issue, the Personalized Cards show a count of 5, each is a 1-of-1 and the counts will be updated in your collections soon.

Also, we are aware that some collectors did not receive the desired inscriptions that they requested. Due to time constraints and some player’s requests, we were forced to default the inscription to your Dunk username. However, we understand the disappointment and are in the process of making it up to all collectors who purchased the Personalized 1-of-1 Signatures. We will be announcing this compensation plan in the coming days. Rest assured, you won’t be disappointed!

In the meantime, here are some images from the NBA Rookie Photo Shoot featuring some of the attendees signing your Personalized Signatures!