Stephen Curry Prepares our newest set

LIMITED Preparation

Stephen Curry


Limited week continues on Dunk with our latest Limited set –  Preparation. The Preparation set takes a look at some of the most popular NBA players preparing for games in their own unique way. Every two days we will release one new Preparation card. Limited Preparation memorabilia cards are available in 2 versions – Jersey and Patch. Jerseys will be available for 48 hours and will retire once the next cards in the set releases. Patches will be limited to 50 and remain available until all Patch inserts have been pulled. 

Today’s Limited Preparation features – Stephen Curry

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Limited Preparation can only be found in the following packs:

  • Preparation Pack – 100 coins – Jersey 1:10 and Patch 1:50 packs on average
  • Preparation VIP Pack – 100 coins – Jersey 1:5 and Patch 1:25 packs on average

If you can collect all 9 Limited Preparation cards in a specific variation you will receive a special Kobe Bryant REWARD card in the matching variation. The deadline for completing the set is 3/21/17 at 3pm EST. Please note that a maximum of one reward card in a specific variation will be given per account..

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