Studio Sketch Leonard & Clarkson

studio sketch

kawhi leonard & Jordan Clarkson

****Today’s Studio Sketch will be available at 3pm EST***

The newest set Studio Sketch begins with releasing two different Studio Sketch cards at a timeIt features some of the biggest names in the NBA and highlights the dominance they show night in and night out. Begin chasing the set now in the Dunk app to earn the reward! All Studio Sketch inserts will be available until they next two release.

Today’s Studio Sketch inserts: Kawhi Leonard & Jordan Clarkson

** Cards will begin releasing 07/19/17 at 3pm EST and will release two at a time every three days.**

Studio Sketch comes in one base variation.

The Studio Sketch inserts can be found in the following packs:

  • Studio Sketch Pack – 100 coins Look for Studio Sketch inserts! 1:20 per packs on average.
  • Studio Sketch VIP Pack – 100 coins – VIP REDUCED ODDS! Look for Studio Sketch inserts! 1:10 per packs on average.

Making any coin purchase in the coin store will grant VIP access for 24 hours.

If you can collect all 30 Studio Sketch cards you will receive a special Kevin Durant reward. The deadline for completing the set is 09/07/17 at 2pm EST.